Miguel Frasquet is the co-founder and CEO of SOLATOM, a clean-tech company specialized in solar steam generation for industrial process heat. Miguel leads the company’s business development and strategy. He holds a PhD in Solar Energy from the University of Sevilla, two master’s degrees, one in thermal energy systems, and another one in Solar energy. He earned his MBA from the Almería University where he specialized in international business and languages (German).
Prior to SOLATOM, Miguel was the Solar R&D director at CTAER where he led the research group located in Tabernas (Almería). Miguel joined the company during the construction of the VGCRS experimental facilities (Variable Geometry Central Receiver System), where he was in charge of the technical supervision. During his four years at CATER, he also coordinated the participation of the company is several European projects, including EU-SOLARIS, BIOSTIRLING 4 SKA and STAGE-STE.
Miguel has significant international experience, having worked as a research engineer in Masdar University (Abu Dhabi, UAE), China University of Petroleum (Beijing, China) and Stellenbosch University (Stellenbosch, South Africa). During his PhD, Miguel worked at Industrial Solar (Germany), where he was involved in the construction of the first project in Jordan using solar energy to generate steam for process heat (RAM Pharma).
Throughout his career, Miguel has been a part of the solar panel management committee on the European platform for heating and cooling. Similarly, Miguel coordinated the Spanish technological platform for Solar Concentration Systems (Solar Concentra) during its initial years. He has also worked as a CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) specialist at IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), and the European Commission.
Miguel Frasquet is the co-founder and CEO of SOLATOM, a clean-tech company specialized in solar steam generation for industrial process heat. Miguel leads the company’s business development and strategy. He holds a PhD in Solar Energy from the University of Sevilla, two master’s degrees, one in thermal energy systems, and another one in Solar energy. He earned his MBA from the Almería University where he specialized in international business and languages (German).
Prior to SOLATOM, Miguel was the Solar R&D director at CTAER where he led the research group located in Tabernas (Almería. Miguel has significant international experience, having worked as a research engineer in Masdar University (Abu Dhabi, UAE), China University of Petroleum (Beijing, China) and Stellenbosch University (Stellenbosch, South Africa).
Throughout his career, Miguel has been a part of the solar panel management committee on the European platform for heating and cooling. Similarly, Miguel coordinated the Spanish technological platform for Solar Concentration Systems (Solar Concentra) during its initial years. He has also worked as a CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) specialist at IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), and the European Commission.
Miguel Frasquet is the co-founder and CEO of SOLATOM, a clean-tech company specialized in solar steam generation for industrial process heat. Miguel leads the company’s business development and strategy. He holds a PhD in Solar Energy from the University of Sevilla, two master’s degrees, one in thermal energy systems, and another one in Solar energy. In addition to SOLATOM, Miguel has worked as a solar energy specialist for the International Renewable Energy Agency, the United Nations, and the European Commission.
Miguel Frasquet es cofundador y CEO de SOLATOM, una empresa de energías renovables especializada en la generación de vapor solar para procesos industriales. Miguel lidera el desarrollo comercial y la estrategia de la empresa. Es doctor en Energía Solar por la Universidad de Sevilla, tiene dos másteres, uno en sistemas de energía térmica y otro en Energía Solar. Obtuvo su MBA en la Universidad de Almería donde se especializó en negocios internacionales e idiomas (alemán).
Antes de crear SOLATOM, Miguel fue el director de I+D Solar en el CTAER, donde dirigió el grupo de investigación ubicado en Tabernas (Almería). Miguel se incorporó a la empresa durante la construcción de las instalaciones experimentales de Geometría Variable, donde estuvo a cargo de la supervisión técnica. Durante sus cuatro años en CTAER, también coordinó la participación de la empresa en varios proyectos europeos, entre ellos EU-SOLARIS, BIOSTIRLING 4 SKA y STAGE-STE.
Miguel tiene una importante experiencia internacional, habiendo trabajado como ingeniero de investigación en Masdar Institute (Abu Dhabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos), la Universidad del Petróleo de China (Beijing, China) y la Universidad Stellenbosch (Stellenbosch, Sudáfrica). Durante su doctorado, Miguel trabajó en Industrial Solar (Alemania), donde participó en la construcción del primer proyecto en Jordania utilizando energía solar para generar vapor de proceso (RAM Pharma).
Durante su carrera, Miguel ha formado parte del comité de dirección de panel solar de la plataforma europea de calefacción y refrigeración. Igualmente, Miguel coordinó la plataforma tecnológica española de Sistemas de Concentración Solar (Solar Concentra) durante sus primeros años. También ha trabajado como especialista de CSP en IRENA (Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables), UNDP (Naciones Unidas) y la comisión Europea.
Miguel Frasquet es cofundador y CEO de SOLATOM, una empresa de energías renovables especializada en la generación de vapor solar para procesos industriales. Miguel lidera el desarrollo comercial y la estrategia de la empresa. Es doctor en Energía Solar por la Universidad de Sevilla, tiene dos másteres, uno en sistemas de energía térmica y otro en Energía Solar. Obtuvo su MBA en la Universidad de Almería donde se especializó en negocios internacionales e idiomas (alemán).
Antes de SOLATOM, Miguel fue el director de I+D Solar en el CTAER, donde dirigió el grupo de investigación ubicado en Tabernas (Almería). Miguel tiene una importante trayectoria internacional, habiendo trabajado en el instituto Masdar (Abu Dhabi), la universidad china del petróleo (Pekín) y la universidad de Stellenbosch en Sudáfrica.
Durante su carrera, Miguel ha formado parte del comité de dirección de panel solar de la plataforma europea de calefacción y refrigeración. Igualmente, Miguel coordinó la plataforma tecnológica española de Sistemas de Concentración Solar (Solar Concentra) durante sus primeros años. También ha trabajado como especialista de CSP en IRENA (Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables), UNDP (Naciones Unidas) y la comisión Europea.
Miguel Frasquet es cofundador y CEO de SOLATOM, una empresa de energías renovables especializada en la generación de vapor solar para procesos industriales. Miguel lidera el desarrollo comercial y la estrategia de la empresa. Es doctor en Energía Solar por la Universidad de Sevilla y tiene dos másteres: uno en sistemas de energía térmica y otro en Energía Solar. Además de SOLATOM Miguel ha trabajado como especialista en energía solar para la Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables, Naciones Unidas y la Comisión Europea.
Valencia (Spain)
Tabernas - Almería (Spain)
Tabernas - Almería (Spain)
Sevilla (Spain)
Valencia (Spain)
Remote (Belgium) Remote
Beirut (Lebanon) Remote
Abu Dhabi (UAE) Remote
Beijing (China)
Abu Dhabi (UAE)
Freiburg (Germany)
Stellenbosch (South Africa)
University of Sevilla (Spain)
Thesis: "Recuperación mejorada de petróleo mediante concentración solar" (written in Spanish)
Solar direct steam generation for Enhanced Oil Recovery applications
Supervisors: Manuel Silva, Jose Guerra (U. Sevilla)
University of Almería UA (Spain)
Thesis: “Wirtschaftliche und politische Überlegungen des Desertec-Konzepts” (Written in German)
Economic and political aspects of the DESERTEC project
Supervisors: Prof. Ana Fe Gil Sierra
University of Sevilla US (Spain)
Thesis: “Thermo-economic assessment of molten salt solar tower plants” (Written in English)
Supervisors: Paul Cetin, Markus Pfander (Ferrostaal Solar), David Sanchez (U. Sevilla)
Thesis: “Diseño y simulación de un lazo de GDV con CCP” (Written in Spanish)
Design and simulation of a Direct Steam Generation loop with parabolic trough collectors
Supervisors: Dr. Eduardo Zarza (Head of Solar Concentrating Systems, CIEMAT –PSA)
Valencia Polytechnic University UPV (Spain)
Thesis: “Etude énergétique du bâtiment des arts à Bruxelles” (Written in French)
Study of the energy performance in an office building in Brussels
Supervisors: Jose Manuel Montalva (UPV)
Erasmus grant at the Université Libre Bruxelles
Brussels (Belgium)
2012 ( 12 months)
Basic VEDA-TIMES training, ETSAP, Online , 2024
Process Heat Application for CST Technologies: System Integration, Design, Performance Assessment, Fraunhofer Institute, Freiburg (Germany) , 2023
Joint European Summer School on Fuel Cells, Electrolysers and batteries
, University of Birmingham & DTU Energy, Athens (Greece) , 2021
Summer School on Energy Systems: Sector Coupling and Energy Modelling, Florence School Regulations, Online , 2020
Direct Steam Generation in Linear Focusing Collectors and Reflector Characterization, PSA - DLR, Almeria (Spain) , 2014
Measurement tools and standardization aspects for concentrating solar technology, DLR, Hornberg (Germany) , 2013
Concentrated Solar Systems, CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain) , 2010
Energy modeling with Trnsys 16, Aiguasol, Barcelona (Spain) , 2009
Nuclear Technology, Valencia Polytechnic University, Valencia (Spain) , 2016
Advanced solar thermal systems production analysis tools and experiences, IMDEA, Madrid (Spain) , 2015
Design of Solar Cooling systems, ClimateWell, Madrid (Spain) , 2010
Energy performance certification of buildings, Valencian energy agency, Valencia (Spain) , 2010
Essential Financial Modelling, Gridlines, Online , 2022
PPAs in the energy sector, Club Español de la Energía - Deloitte, Online , 2022
Iberian gas market, MIBGAS, Online , 2021
The regulation of the power sector, Florence School Regulations, Online , 2021
Summer School – Energy & Finance, HEC, Paris (France) , 2016
Sustainability Disclosure in Corporate Reporting Summer School 2021
, University of Bicocca Milano, Online , 2021
6th Spring Course in Epistemic Game Theory
, Maastricht University, Maastricht (Netherlands) , 2019
Masterclass in strategies and techniques for financing the oil and gas industry in transition, World Petroleum Council, London (UK) , 2016
7th Workshop on Energy Markets, University of Valencia, Valencia (Spain) , 2016
Managing your business using PRMS, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Abu Dhabi (UAE) , 2016
In-Situ recovery methods and SAGD, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Calgary (Canada) , 2015
Global Marine Technology Trends 2030
, OMAE, Busan (South Korea) , 2016
Machine Learning for Big Data Analytics, Valencia Polytechnic University, Valencia (Spain) , 2017
European Data Science Summer School
, University of Saarland, Saarbrücken (Germany) , 2016
Valencian Summer School in Machine Learning, BigML & Telefónica, Valencia (Spain) , 2018
Introduction to R language, Genometra, Valencia (Spain) , 2016
GVSIG, Valencia Polytechnic University, Valencia (Spain) , 2016
loT/Ethereum Summer Camp
, Frankfurt School Blockchain center, Frankfurt (Germany) , 2017
Summer School on Blockchains for Economic security
, EIT Digital Academy, Budapest (Hungary) , 2017
Cryptography, Valencia Polytechnic University, Valencia (Spain) , 2019
Acronym | Project | Funding programme | Budget | Company | Date |
inSHIP | Integrating National Research Agendas on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes | Horizon 2020 | 2.9 million € | SOLATOM CSP | 2018 - 2020 |
STAGE-STE | Scientific and Technological Alliance for Guaranteeing the European Excellence in Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy | 7th Framework Programme EU | 21.1 million € | CTAER | 2014 - 2018 |
Biostirling 4 SKA | A cost effective and efficient approach for a new generation of solar dish-Stirling plants based on storage and hybridization | 7th Framework Programme EU | 5.3 million € | CTAER | 2013 - 2016 |
EUSOLARIS | The European Solar Research Infrastructure for Concentrated Solar Power | 7th Framework Programme EU | 5.9 million € | CTAER | 2012 - 2016 |
Acronym | Project | Client/Funding programme | Company | Date |
CALIHPSO | CALderas Industriales Hibridadas Por energía SOlar | Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación | SOLATOM CSP | 2021 - Present |
MICROGENVASOL | micro GENeración de VApor SOLar | IVACE | SOLATOM CSP | 2021 - Present |
SOLPINVAP | Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnología SOLar de media temperatura para Procesos Industriales con demanda de VAPor | Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación | SOLATOM CSP | 2020 - 2021 |
SOLPINTER | Investigación y desarrollo de tecnología SOLar de media temperatura para Procesos INndustriales con elevada demanda TERmica | Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación | SOLATOM CSP | 2019 - 2020 |
CREATEC | Investigación y desarrollo de un sistema de concentración de energía solar transportable para su uso en procesos industriales | IVACE | SOLATOM CSP | 2017 - 2018 |
CHSB | Central híbrida Solar-Biomasa | ANDALUSIAN Regional government | CTAER | 2013 - 2016 |
PTC loop | Parabolic trough test bench platform | ANDALUSIAN Regional government | CTAER | 2014 - 2016 |
Fresnel loop | Linear Fresnel test bench platform | ANDALUSIAN Regional government | CTAER | 2014 - 2016 |
Dish loop | Parabolic Dish test bench platform | ANDALUSIAN Regional government | CTAER | 2014 - 2016 |
RECEPTOR HIBRIDO | Desarrollo de la tecnología de receptores híbridos para sistemas termosolares de concentración | ANDALUSIAN Regional government | CTAER | 2012 - 2016 |
SAMM | Automatic cleaning system for variable-geometry central receiver plants | CTAER R&D budget | CTAER | 2014 - 2014 |
SOLARDIS | Tecnología Parabólica para Plantas Solares | Spanish CDTI / Endesa Generación | CTAER | 2012 - 2014 |
APHOTO | ACCIONA Photogrammetry | ACCIONA | CTAER | 2014 - 2014 |
ACUREX | ACUREX-Solar cooling | CTAER R&D budget | CTAER | 2014 - 2014 |
CRS Sales | Prototipo de Receptor Solar de Torre con Sales Fundidas | Abengoa Solar NT, SA | CTAER | 2012 - 2013 |
CAPTORSOL | Captadores Torres Solares | Abengoa Solar NT, SA | CTAER | 2012 - 2013 |
Tabernas CGV | Central Solar de Geometría Variable | ANDALUSIAN Regional government | CTAER | 2012 - 2013 |
RadCool | Radiative cooling test bench | CTAER R&D budget | CTAER | 2013 - 2013 |
Most of my daily routine is in English. I have lived and worked in 8 different countries using English as vehicular language. I also use academic English fluently since my master's thesis and most of my scientific publications are written in this language. From a business perspective, I led the investment negotiations for BP Ventures (UK) and Katapult (Norway) at SOLATOM in English.
I learned French at the University and one summer in Paris, where I reached level B2. Later, I spent my Erasmus year in Belgium at the ULB (Francophone university). There I successfully defended my Bachelor's thesis in French. I love Luc Besson's movies and Olivia Ruiz and Noir Desir's music.
I learned German during my MIBAL studies at Almería, where I was the first student to defend his master's thesis in German. Then I moved to Freiburg for 5 months working at Industrial Solar where I reached level B1.2. I travel a lot to Germany for personal reasons and I am still trying to improve my German. Peter Fox is my favorite singer in Germany.