Work position details
CTAER (Technology Centre for Renewable Energy)
Head of Solar R&D
- Tabernas - Almería (Spain)
My main achievement was the creation of the Solar R&D Department from scratch. In 2013, when the construction of the scientific facilities was finished, I was the only researcher, three years after, we were 8 researchers with several articles published, and working on 3 European projects. During those three years I was in charge of:
- Coordination of CTAER’s participation in FP7 European projects: BioStirling 4SKA, STAGE-STE and EUSOLARIS
- Coordination of CTAER’s participation in national projects: SOLARDIS, CRS-Sales and CAPTORSOL
- Definition of the scientific equipment of CTAER's future Solar Lab.
- Development of CTAER's consulting and technical service portfolio
- Supervision of master students doing their thesis at CTAER
- Leading the research unit of medium temperature and direct steam generation for industrial processes